One minute it’s summer, the next it’s back to school, work and the business of normal life. But whilst some of us will mourn the end of those carefree summer days, many see September as a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s the perfect time to get back into a routine and get organised, from re-establishing good habits and creating smarter ways to tackle daily chores to going back to work and planning new adventures. See here a few simple things you can do to be a little more organised in September.
1. Get in a good routine
Summer is great for throwing out the routine rule book. At first, it feels liberating but as the weeks pass that lack of structure can leave you and your household feeling a bit rudderless and disorganised. Having no routine or structure is draining mentally, physically and emotionally.
Now is the time to get a routine and good habits back in place to help everyone feel ahead of the game once again. Here are a few elements that will help you create a routine that works for you….
- Get up half an hour earlier: this will help you start the day positively. Use the time to either get ahead or prepare yourself mentally for the day, whether that’s 10 minutes of breathing, yoga, writing or a walk outside. Or some days it's nice just to have that extra half hour to get ready in the morning without rushing, so you leave the house feeling good about yourself.

- Structure your day: break it down into chunks. This can be hourly or less specific, morning, lunch, afternoon, evening etc. There will also be curveballs throughout the day, so allow time for flexibility.
- Set small goals: whilst having a goal motivates us, if it’s too big to tackle it has the opposite effect. If your overall goal is to exercise more, start by changing one thing every day, such as walking up the stairs to work or a 10 minute run around the block. Mentally you will feel you are succeeding and this will motivate you to do more.
- Make a list: this helps you prioritise and keep track of your progress. We all know how satisfying crossing something off a list is!
- Plan meals ahead of time: create a weekly meal plan and shop ahead so you have all the ingredients you need to hand.
- Plan regular exercise: we’re all aware of the importance of regular exercise for our physical and mental wellbeing and also how easily it can slip when we’re busy. Plan when you’re going to exercise and work other commitments around that. Arranging to exercise with a friend is more fun and means you are less likely to cancel.
- Go to bed at the same time: Being tired creates bad habits, so having enough and the right type of sleep is paramount to the success of a routine. Try to go to bed at roughly the same time each night to help your body get into a good pattern.
2. Back to the crowds
After the excitement of the summer, September is about getting life 'back to normal', with many returning to busy offices and the daily commute. It's easy to pick up contagious bugs in these environments, so it's important to practice good hygiene to prevent picking them up, and worse, spreading them to our colleagues and those we live with. Keep a hand sanitiser and a packet of tissues in your handbag to be prepared.
TIP: keeping those loose items you have in your handbag in a small make-up bag not only makes them easier to find, but is more hygienic. One of our clear small makeup bags or clear detachable clear compartments on our bigger travel wash bags are perfect for popping in your handbag. You can see what’s inside and they’re super easy to clean - a rinse under the tap with some washing up liquid will help keep nasty bacteria, bugs and germs at bay.

3. Clear out and clean your wash bags
After a summer of fun and for some, sand and suncream, your wash bags may be looking a little on the grubby side. The wonderful thing about our beauty wash bags is that they are robust and waterproof, so can undergo a thorough clean and remain looking as fresh and new as the day you bought them. We’ve created a handy step by step guide on how to deep clean your beauty bag to help keep it sparklingly clean and fresh. Whilst your travel wash bag is empty, use it as an opportunity to sort through your beauty products and makeup and replace any out-of-date items.

4. Clean smarter not more
If your house is in a bit of a mess after the summer holidays, don’t fret, now is the perfect time to get your home back to its lovely self. To help you get started, we recommend following TOMM (The Organised Mum Method), a realistic and fun way to keep on top of your home, (whether you have children or not!) Created by popular blogger, The Organised Mum, TOMM will help you tackle your housework as quickly as possible, so you can have a home that looks great, whilst still having time to enjoy the fun things in life.
The method is broken down into three levels, daily jobs, day specific tasks, and a Friday focus. There’s even a handy app with a list of suggestions that can be customised to fit you and your home.
5. Plan a trip away
It's a joy to have something to look forward to so now is the time to start planning your summer holiday for next year.
With travel it pays to be organised and book ahead. Holiday companies will often offer substantial discounts if you reserve your spot early enough in advance, so you can get more for your money and maybe treat yourself to that trip of a lifetime!
To get even more bang for your buck it's worth thinking about a home exchange. We love, a way for people to trade homes with each other for a period of time.The earlier you list your property the more choice you'll have, and bear in mind you might have to give your home a spruce up before you take your photos and create your listing!
Before you book, make sure you are clear on what your travel rights are, together with cancellation and travel insurance policies. Plus, get up-to-date with what the current liquid restrictions are in our blog Know Your Hand Luggage Liquid Allowance - Make Airport Security A Breeze